Scream of the Butterfly





‘Moving artists’ Michael Lazic (CV) and Elles Grzybek (CV) are the artistic directors of Antwerp-based contemporary dance theatre company cieMESS. Since 2008 they have created various productions such as: a Body in Translation, Staging Reality with visual artist Hans Op de Beeck, Black Swan, Soletude in collaboration with Jef Neve, Click here for the knack review of Soletude,  Bach&.Brel, Pi, Dying Swan, Hallelujah, The 2 Fridas and recently The Scream of the Butterfly.


Topic: domestic violence/relational violence

Style: physical contemporary dancetheater

Duration: +/- 60 minutes

Concept | Direction | Choreography: Elles Grzybek and Michael Lazic

Performer: Elles Grzybek

Music: Hiroko Komiya – vocals | Max Geisinger – Wenn sie tanzt | Jami Sieber – Mandlovu Mind

Soundscape | Videodesign | Light | Scenography: Michael Lazic

Advice Light and Scenography: Frank Lombaers


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Introduction by Dirk De Wachter
(well-known Belgian psychiatrist, instructor at KU Leuven, honorary doctor and author of several books and papers).


>>>click here to watch the introduction video<<<


"Violence in relationships affects many people in society. It occurs in all socioeconomic classes and in all cultures and is one of the leading causes of death among people between the ages of 15 and 44.Worldwide, 30% of women have been victims of physical or sexual violence by a partner. In Europe, 22% of all women have been victims of physical and/or sexual violence by an ex-partner. In Belgium, 1 in 7 families is affected by domestic violence (IGVM).Every day, around 100 people report to the police and there are more than 20 reports of child abuse.

Reason enough for the choreographers Michael Lazic and Elles Grzybek from Dance theater cieMESS to devote themselves to this important topic, which is very close to my heart, and to create Scream of the Butterfly.

In collaboration with the organization vzw Zijn (In Movement Against Violence), various testimonies of violence are incorporated into the performance.

The butterfly, symbol of hope and redemption, is transformed from a world in which we often look away to a world in which we fight back.

With this intimate dance solo, choreographer Elles Grzybek wants to give space to the voices and emotions of the women affected in a minimalist setting. Michael Lazic processes these experiences in his soundscape compositions, from frozen to broken phrases, from whispers to wordless screams."


Here you find the testimonials and here the associated words that we use in the performance.


watch video's below


Shiort teaser - 1min20


Full length - 60min