Bach & Brel

dance&music performance

duration 60min
style: contemporary&dancetheater

Jacques Brel and Johann Sebastian Bach. Both maestro, each in their own music style, are united in a unique dance performance with fantastic video animations.
After a long-standing relationship, a love couple tries to regain the passion of the first amorousness, each in their own way, with in the background the merciless sound of the clock that keeps ticking slowly until it finally stops.
One man caught between the dilemma of two woman.

Performances : 26-29 August 2021

Direction and concept: Michael Lazic
Choreography and dance : Michael Lazic, Elles Grzybek and Veronique Lievin
Video animation: Gitte Le Bruyn
Live music Bach:  Carla Peña Romero (cello), Maria Eichler (vocals Bach cantates), Cedric Caille (Brel songs)
Scenography: Michael Lazic
Advice Scenes: Frank Lombaers
Light setting: Bart Van Dessel

Ticket price Standaard - 16€, 23j+, 65j+ - 14€ en -16j- 10€




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